The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149149   Message #3470467
Posted By: Bill D
23-Jan-13 - 02:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: What Belief(s) Would You Die For?
Subject: RE: BS: What Belief(s) Would You Die For?
"... bothers you mostly just because you think there probably IS no afterlife. "

Umm... not exactly- though that is part of it. After all, if I am right, the 'martyr' never knows he has been scamed. (The scammer may or may NOT know it is a scam... some may believe they are doing the volunteers a favor).It also bothers me because it is a scam - AND because the scam does damage and causes grief to others beyond the would-be martyr.

But it really bothers me that people in general are and have been... and probably always will be... able TO hold unverifiable beliefs of that type.
You know how strongly I hold the idea of critical, rational thinking... and when the ignorant are manipulated by the semi-ignorant to do harm in the name of a variety of 'causes' which are largely narrowly defined bits of self-interest (personal or clan or culture), it offends my notion of what being Human COULD mean.

I am aware that sacrifice and martyrdom CAN be inspiring to those left behind.... but not always positively. Respect for soldiers who died defending our country if a bit different than 'inspiring' others to hate and kill and conquer.

"...since one's consciousness and memory would therefore still be functioning..."

To me, that is a mere linguistic construct.... I cannot really imagine what a 'consciousness' might be after the physical entity dies. Of course I see the lure of such an idea! *I* would love to hover over 'things' forever, without the need to chase dinner or pay bills, and 'see what happens'! But thinking it might be fun is FAR from telling me how & where all those memories and thought would ...reside?... after the neurons (that can be MEASURED here & now) are destroyed.