The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149149   Message #3470475
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
23-Jan-13 - 02:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: What Belief(s) Would You Die For?
Subject: RE: BS: What Belief(s) Would You Die For?
Is there a differentiation between political and religious? Everything I am politically stems from the religious. Norman Morrison's immolation was based on his religious belief. It certainly had a strong effect on many people but not all positive, even amongst other Quakers. But it did, and still does, cause people to think. It was not in vain. I vaguely remember his wife as being OK with what he felt he had to do.

War is wrong. Killing is wrong. Is killing oneself wrong? I do not think so. Is putting one's life in jeopardy? I don't think so. Have I done it? Only in small ways. Would I put myself in jeopardy to save someone else? Probably without a thought. I believe most of us would. Does that have to do with belief? Every person is sacred. Every creature is but I would not put myself in the way of a serious auto accident to miss an animal, other than human, in the road.

Did Rosa Parks think that she could be killed for sitting in the wrong seat? Probably. Did MLK know he was putting his life in jeopardy? Definitely. Even my, then, husband knew - though the arrogant SOB went South for the glory of it rather than religious belief. (I could be wrong.) And those other young people who died for their beliefs? To know that others have and to believe that it could happen to oneself are very different.

There was even concern, in 1963, when I rode on a train from Phila to Oklahoma City with my mother-in-law who had darker skin than I. I was too naive to be THAT worried. Only looking back do I realize the dangers of that time in those places.

Strong belief can act as a ......?. If a person believes very strongly, that can overcome the physical pain of torture and allow them to suffer and die in peace. Such a story exists of a person, who was able to forgive even as they were being tortured to death. And whose murderer lived to change because of it. And this would have had an affect on each person he later encountered.

I would prefer not to find myself in that position. I just muddle along like most of us, doing the best I can, fortunate to live in a time and place where I am not sorely tested.

Would I kill another person to avoid being killed myself? I doubt it.

Oh shucks, it is so cold in here today, maybe my brain has frozen!