The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149200   Message #3470734
Posted By: Rapparee
24-Jan-13 - 09:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat DISCUSSION forum
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat DISCUSSION forum
I decided years and years ago that damned few people cared what I thought, that I had no power to do sweeping social change, and so I would change what little I could for what I thought was the better. Then I wouldn't worry about what I couldn't change.

I couldn't change the course of the Vietnam War, I couldn't prevent the election of Richard Nixon, I couldn't do anything about gun violence, and a whole list of other things -- and no one listened to my ideas anyway.

Why waste my time and energy yammering about it? I would make what small changes I could make and not worry about the rest.

Too much yammer, yammer, yammer and not enough thoughtful action.