The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149149   Message #3470813
Posted By: Bill D
24-Jan-13 - 12:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: What Belief(s) Would You Die For?
Subject: RE: BS: What Belief(s) Would You Die For?
"...they can imagine the possibility of it, which you apparently cannot.."

Oh, I can intellectually conceive of the possibility... *grin*.... and I never absolutely deny such things... it's just that I cannot do what I take 'imagining' to be... actually creating some sort of audio/visual construct of what the experience might be like.
I can 'imagine' floating happily above/among 'stuff'... but it's always ME... not some amorphous consciousness. I really CAN'T imagine what the experience of being 'pure consciousness' might be like... which is why I say so often that I suspect people confuse a linguistic construct with reality.... they create a noun, and act as though giving a concept a name endows it with 'being'... much like Plato seemed to do with his 'eternal forms'. Then they discuss 'it' with others of the same inclination and trade opinions/stories on their experiences... and are a bit surprised when those 'unimaginative' folks like me don't buy into the process.
After all... don't 294,211 apocryphal anecdotes constitute some sort of convincing schema? ;>)

"You pays yer money and you takes yer choice."