The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149200   Message #3470937
Posted By: selby
24-Jan-13 - 06:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat DISCUSSION forum
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat DISCUSSION forum
I agree mudcat is like a big party and you do have the facility not to contribute to threads or even read them, the point i am trying to make is that a thread is opened and any number of people ignore what has been written by A N Other to continue their private battle. I am not a clever/educated person but some people here are unfortunately some have left, as I said before my life has been enriched by then. But using swear words at each other ( I know how to use them )on the internet is not clever or educated.
If you are really interested how it used to be go into the archives and read some of the threads look for some of the real friendships that where formed some where people met and some that will never meet but are still friends mostly UK USA I personally have received through the internet and post all sorts of information, I am not sure that can happen now

I wish to point out to those who may have misread my original post I am not suggesting censorship.
