The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111013   Message #3471476
Posted By: Jim Dixon
25-Jan-13 - 09:14 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Too Much of a Name / Longest Name Song
Subject: RE: Origins: Too Much of a Name (long list of names)
You may recognize some songs listed here:

From The Telegraphist: A Monthly Journal of Popular Electrical Science, No. 20 (London: July 1, 1885), page 91:


The fourth annual dinner of the officers of the E.C. District Branch Post-offices took place at the Crown and Cushion Hotel, London-wall, on Thursday, February 4th, B. J. Hollingsworth, Esq., Branch Office Supervisor, occupied the chair, and W. H. Lamburn, Esq., officiated as vice. Forty-two sat down, and a most excellent menu was provided. After a few well-chosen remarks from the chair, the programme commenced with a pianoforte selection by Mr. W. A. Unwin. Mr. G. J. Maggs opened the vocal portion, in character, "I Won the Bicycle," which elicited much amusement. Mr. W. G. Turner gave a vigorous rendering of "The Goodwin Sands"; Mr. W. G. Allen, "Woman, Lovely Woman"; Mr. E. D. Holmes, "The Little Hero"; Mr. R. W. Colmer, "Razors in the Air"; Mr. Unwin, "True till Death"; Mr. Lucas, "Benjamin Binns"; Mr. H. Stafford, "The Powder Monkey"; Mr. Walsh, "Paddy's Courtship"; Mr. F. C. Glanville, "Agricultural Irish Girl"; Mr. Holmes, "Only Once More"; Mr. Allen, "His Lordship winked at the Counsel"; Mr. Turner, "Balaclava"; Mr. Colmer, "Jonathan Joseph Jeremiah"; Mr. Maggs, "The Putney Bus." During the evening several toasts were proposed, "The Visitors," by Mr. F. Russell, responded to by Mr. T. Baker; "The Stewards," by Mr. H. W. Savage, responded to by Mr. W. G. Allen; "The Chair and Vice-Chairman," by Mr. T. W. Nelian, in responding to which our respected Supervisor stated he was delighted with the whole of the arrangements, which reflected the greatest credit on Messrs. Allen, Colmer, Holmes, and Turner, and that, although this was his first attendance, it would by no means be his last. "Auld Lang Syne" brought a most enjoyable and successful evening to a close.