The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6035   Message #34719
Posted By: Sheye
13-Aug-98 - 12:08 AM
Thread Name: Where have all the threads gone?
Subject: RE: Where have all the threads gone?
Where have all the comments gone?
Long time passing....
Where have all the comments gone?
Long time ago...
Where are all the quips and song?
Gone, oh lord, but not for long!

Oh, yea, we missed them so!
Thanks, Max, we been so low!

Where are all the pedants gone?
Long time passing...
Where are all the pedants gone?
Long time ago...
Where's my muse, my bud, my bro?
Hangin' in, like me, I know!

The comfort has returned!
The candles softly burn...

Feel free to improve. Must thieve; have no talent of my own.
