The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148703   Message #3473101
Posted By: Donuel
29-Jan-13 - 01:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Beginning of serious conversation
Subject: RE: BS: Beginning of serious conversation
the protect against ourselves/government idea you repeat is untrue propoganda.
It would have been helpful if Jefferson included the words foreign or domestic but he/they did not.

One of the good lessons on mudcat forum is learning not to repeat unhelpful and untrue propoganda. The last time this nation mindlessly repeated untrue right wing propoganda we got Bush the leader and decider in chief.

I just broke the rules of a serious conversation, I may as well go for broke.

Is it too cynical to assume that macho gun worship by the basicly insecure male and the gun manufactures profit motive and think tanks, are too powerful as psychological and greedy motivators to merely curb the shooting of each others children?

The Am radio gun advocates are currently saying that perhaps several kids would not be shot with stricter gun control but the price of freedom is watered with blahblahblah sacred 2nd ammendmentblahblah self defense millionsblahblahstandyour groundblah.

If Dumbeldor were alive he might be devising a spell right now that would compel all unapologetic gun nuts when speaking to replace the word gun/guns/gunned, with the word ignorance/ignorant.

Replace the word armed/arms with shit.