The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149763 Message #3473130
Posted By: GUEST,Litto
29-Jan-13 - 02:29 PM
Thread Name: Folk Producer Bill Leader - Discography
Subject: Bill Leader Discography
Did I tell you I'm writing a book about the legendary folk producer, Bill Leader? Anyway, I've gone public with the Bill Leader Discography on my blog, which would have been an impossible achievement without the aid of Bill himself.
If anyone in the Mudcat community can spot errors, or omissions, or can nail the chronology down more precisely (the stated year and catalogue numbers have been chief guides to my ordering), your contributions are very welcome. Also, I've made the decision to include reissues, to make the list as comprehensive as possible.
Post replies here or leave comments on the blog, or please get in touch directly, especially if you have Leader-related anecdotes/insights, at