The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149313   Message #3473670
Posted By: frogprince
30-Jan-13 - 06:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death Trap Schoolrooms
Subject: RE: BS: Death Trap Schoolrooms
"In Home-Schooling children flourish. They learn what they love to learn, have no barriers, do not work to bells or timetables, question everything, have no homework, no humiliation, can be creative at all times, learn lying down, under the sun, or walking through a field..."

As a blanket statement, this is preposterous. There are certainly children for whom home schooling is by far the best, perhaps the only viable, alternative. But could anyone think that every parent, or set of parents, would have the skills and wisdon to provide such an idylic experience? In the U.S., at least some substantial portion of home schoolers are parents who want to prevent their children from learning to question their fundamentalist beliefs.