The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149763   Message #3473797
Posted By: GUEST,Litto
31-Jan-13 - 04:11 AM
Thread Name: Folk Producer Bill Leader - Discography
Subject: RE: Bill Leader Discography
Quite a productive day yesterday. Went to Oldham - very drab on a wet Wednesday afternoon - and, acting on a tip, joined some old-timers having a good old shin-dig in the back-room of a pub. A couple of Oldham Tinkers were present. These were the vestiges of an incredibly rich working-class culture, now reduced to a handful of boozy revenants. Just before, I visited the local Oxfam and picked up a 1958 10" on Topic, Still I Love Him by Isla Cameron and Ewan MacColl, recorded by Bill Leader. Great condition. First sighting of Once I Had A True Love, as popularised by Pentangle.

And I didn't have it on Bill's Discography! The omission is now rectified. The Discography, btw, is quite a hit on the blog.

348 views and it's only been up 24 hours. My previous best was a Spanish Electro pop duo singing about Alan Turing - 248 views and posted in November. Hey, It's looking good for the book!
