The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28031   Message #347432
Posted By: Sorcha
28-Nov-00 - 12:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Really pissed off with America
Subject: RE: BS: Really pissed off with America
I've been watching this one, and the finger pointing just seems to get more and more riduculous. I believe in Zero Population Growth, but I just couldn't bring myself to have NO children, so we have two. One for each of us. I have at least 5 friends who have none, so maybe that balances.

I live in Small Town, Wyoming, USA. I compost, garden, hubby hunts for meat (do we have to talk about Cervidaie--deer--methane?)recycle what I can, and give regularly to the local Thrift Stores.

However, re cycling in Small Town Wyoming is NOT easy. I have to do all the delivery, all the sorting, all the everything, and the local re cycling place does not take everything. It is a "handicap help" facility which does not maintain regular hours. I suppose I could just back up and dump the stuff and let them sort it out.........

Why should I save aluminum cans when it cost me more to deliver them than I can get? It's easier to just dump them in the landfill. ( I know, I know, I should because it's my DUTY.......) I can re cycle my used engine oil by giving it to places that have oil burners for heat: talk about pollution!!

We have NO public transportation. Yes, I could walk the mile to the grocery store, but how am I supposed to carry home 80 pounds of food? I can only pull one wagon. Yes, I could stop taking gigs that are not within walking distance--so there would be no gigs at all. The last gig we played was 60 miles from my house. So, we rent a horse and wagon for the sound system, and start 3 days ahead of time? I don't think so...........

So, heat. Yes, we could stop using fossil fuels. What is the alternative, given the fact that the government will not fund solar/wind power research? I have a fireplace, and we burn it regularly, thereby contributing to the "pollution count". We help cut down forests, and help keep the "under forest" in control by only cutting dead wood. It ups the pollution index, but it keeps my natural gas bill down.

If anybody has any viable solutions to these problems, I would welcome them. Meanwhile, anybody notice that Guest has not been back since (he) got (his) butt burned by some educated, intelligent people?

I guess I am just tired of being the butt of stuff because I am an American. Not like other countries don't have their messes too. I am just tired of being on the butt end of everything, and that includes e mail jokes about our election.

I didn't set the damn system up, and I didn't vote for either one of them, but I did vote, difficult as it was.

Sorry, rant off. Down, soapbox, Down!

I apologize if this shows up 3 or 4 times--kept getting Cannot Be Displayed.........