The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149377   Message #3475193
Posted By: melodeonboy
03-Feb-13 - 06:41 AM
Thread Name: [Formerly BS:] Musical snobbery
Subject: RE: BS: Musical snobbery
I've been told several times that I'm a musical snob or narrow-minded, primarily on the basis that I don't like pop music (new or old!). What's interesting is that those who made those comments would, for the most part, not entertain listening to the folk, blues cajun, African music, jazz et al that I listen to.

I had a rolling of the eyes and old-fashioned looks when I recently asked who Cheryl Cole was. Likewise when someone at work told me that they'd been to see Rihanna (correct spelling?) and I asked who she was (assuming that she was a mutual friend!).

The most pernicious kind of musical snobbery is the (inverted?) snobbery of the musical orthodoxy that is promoted on mainstream radio and television, and imposed on us in clothes shops, supermarkets and in the workplace. (Many years ago I did 12-hour night shifts in a plastics factory and had to endure non-stop night-time Radio 2; and I still bear the scars! :-) )

Slight thread drift, but ask yourself how many people today can listen to (and enjoy/appreciate) a song or piece of music without saying one, some or all of the following:

I like it because...

1. I really fancy that bloke/girl in the band.
2. their music video was great.
3. I've heard it so many times on the radio that I know all the words and I can sing along to it.
4. I heard it so many times during my formative years, and it reminds me of my youth.
5. their costumes are really cool.
6. I saw them on that glitzy telly programme and they were judged to be really good.
7. I saw him/her/them on telly and I got emotionally involved in their private lives.
8. it was on that really cool TV advert that they've been showing over and over again.
9. they play music that sounds like all the other music I listen to, so it's nice and easy.
10. I really liked the dancing.
11. I know they're good 'cos they play them on the radio all the time and they appear on telly.

Yeh, I know, I've said more than enough already, but it might give some of you food for thought!

(And add to the list if you like!)