The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149354 Message #3475356
Posted By: Bat Goddess
03-Feb-13 - 03:14 PM
Thread Name: Declutter & ~~Health~~ February 2013
Subject: RE: Declutter & ~~Health~~ February 2013
Alrighty, then...
Got all the stuff out of the dishwasher so I could start filling it again. (This is getting boring.)
First I went through my stock of vintage or just plain interesting jewelry for sale and got everything into plastic bags and semi-sorted, left stuff out to photograph or clean or repair.
Then I got the freezer cleaned out and organized. (Whew! -- bigger job than I thought.
Now I need to make some sort of token headway in this room. I fear that just about everything in it will either go to Goodwill or be sold. It's been a holding space for way too long; time to clear it out.
Oh, I've been playing around with infused vodkas (on my way to playing around with tinctures to make bitters). Last night I sampled the Earl Grey-infused vodka for the first time. Wow! It still needs about another month of aging, but the sample sip was so richly flavorful. First time I've made it and I'm really impressed.
And Tom gets a bath and hair wash after I clear out the sink and surrounding counter.
Moving right along...maybe I'll get to call a friend on the other side of the country later, too.