The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149377   Message #3475938
Posted By: GUEST,Blandiver
05-Feb-13 - 04:17 AM
Thread Name: [Formerly BS:] Musical snobbery
Subject: RE: BS: Musical snobbery
There are only two types of music in the universe: the first is the music you can hear, the second is the music you can't. This is the same for each and every one of us. The wise man rejoices in the former, and leaves the latter well alone.

The wise man also understands this - that no one music is inherently superior to any other, for they are all the product of 50,0000 years of individual & collective creative Genius which gives rise to a plethora of Musical Traditions & Traditional Musics every single one of which provide the same subjective joy and empowerment to those who love and understand them but fail to engage the passions of those who don't.

Overall this phenomenon is called TASTE - it's about whatever floats your boat.