The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149436   Message #3476483
Posted By: JohnInKansas
06-Feb-13 - 02:49 PM
Thread Name: Tech: How to Crash Your Mac?
Subject: Tech: How to Crash Your Mac?
Since I'm not a Mac user, I can't tell if this is a big deal; but the reporter thinks it's worth notice.

Mac apps will crash without fail due to simple case-sensitive URL detection bug

By James Plafke on February 4, 2013 at 3:15 pm

> For the longest time, one of Apple's most prominent slogans for OS X was "It just works," which was actually true to some degree, once upon a time. However, as Macs became more prominent, things began to just work a little less. Case in point: An eight-character URL detection flaw that easily crashes Mountain Lion apps.

The brief article describes a "bug" contained in a recent Mac update that may be fairly commonly encountered, apparently in several apps.

A simple fix is given, although it requires disabling some functions that might otherwise be wanted. A correction from Apple is expected, so the inconvenience shouldn't last forever if you are aware of it and work around it for now.

(The source is the ExtremeTech website which has a good reputation for reliable advice for PCs, although I haven't seen a lot of Mac blather there - maybe only because I haven't looked for any.)
