The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149441   Message #3476623
Posted By: michaelr
07-Feb-13 - 12:06 AM
Thread Name: Any Doctor Hook Fans???
Subject: RE: Any Doctor Hook Fans???
Yo Bob, I knew from the title it was your thread!

I'm a fan for sure, particularly of Shel Silverstein's lyrics. Being a sentimental sort, I love "Sylvia's Mother" and "Lucy Jordan" and "Cookie and Lila". But the one I've been singing lately is "Freakin' at the Freaker's Ball". Great fun, and totally un-PC.

My favorite memory of a live Doctor Hook performance (in fact, the only time I saw them) is from Roskilde (Denmark) rock festival, July 4, 1976. The band left the stage except for Dennis Locorriere, who proceeded to sing "Sylvia's Mother", accompanying himself on his Ovation 6-string. While he was crooning the heartbreaking ballad, his bandmates (reportedly inspired by naked hippies in the crowd) came back onstage in the nude, picking up their instruments and accompanying him.

Dennis looked around in disbelief, the said something like "Aw fuck it", put down his guitar and stripped too. Then they finished the song
with every bit of passion and pathos as if everything were normal, dicks waving in the breeze.

It was a moment I'll never forget, and it couldn't have happened anywhere else at that time without the band getting arrested.
