The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149393   Message #3476670
Posted By: GUEST,Eliza
07-Feb-13 - 06:13 AM
Thread Name: Molly Dancing
Subject: RE: BS: Molly Dancing
Re the 'N' word, my African husband (very, very black!) saw Border Morris for the first time at Whittlesea Straw Bear. He was mesmerised, but wanted to know "Why do they make themselves look like Africans?" I explained that I thought it was traditional, for anonymity purposes. Old Glory members and Witchmen were thrilled to meet him and he had many photos taken standing beside them. He kept laughing and boasting "I am blacker than you!" He even danced with some sides, who handed him a stick and dragged him into a dance. As you can tell, no racism whatsoever and no offence. Just lovely people with a warm welcome and friendship all round. He has watched the Coconut Dancers on Video and laughed like a drain. I told him some folk were concerned about insulting black people and he laughed even more. He reckons there isn't any racism in this part of the world. Wrong probably, but he hasn't come across it yet, and he never will among Morris folk. I'll try and post some photos of him with Old Glory and Witchmen if I can manage it.