The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149360   Message #3476815
Posted By: Steve Shaw
07-Feb-13 - 02:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Israel condemned by UN
Subject: RE: BS: Israel condemned by UN
To recap, a vicious, evil regime tried to supply powerful weapons to internationally recognised terrorists, in violation of treaties and UN.

Israel was able to prevent the violation, with no collateral damage and little loss of life, and UN appears to be very happy with it.

So in this subject the Israel haters have no case at all.
No wonder they are frantic to change the subject.

The fact remains that Israel attacked a target in someone else's sovereign territory, a country which is not currently engaged in active hostilities with Israel. Yes, it goes on, but kindly do not continue to assert some moral superiority for Israel when it carries out the very actions you so loudly condemn when carried out by Hezbollah or Hamas. I bet you just love those yankee drone attacks in Pakistan too, don't you, Keith? Indiscriminate killing again and all that?

You can claim Israel had some responsibility as the occupying power, but the 1982 massacres were committed by local militia.

Oh no you don't! Israel had responsibility because the Israeli army was present at the camps, illuminated the camps so that the killers could see what they were doing and then stood by while the horror was perpetrated. And there are plenty of witness accounts that the killers were virtually goaded by Israelis to do what they did. Control of the situation was firmly in Israel's hands. Bang to rights, as they say.

Four years later there were more massacres when the Palestinian refugee camps were besieged by the Shi'ite Amal.
There was not an Israeli within 100 miles.

And now who's frantically trying to change the subject?

Jim has raised the issue over and over when he is losing an argument, but the facts are against him and over 30 years later there is nothing new to add.

There's always something to add when someone is trying to rewrite history, Keith.