The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149360   Message #3476899
Posted By: Steve Shaw
07-Feb-13 - 08:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Israel condemned by UN
Subject: RE: BS: Israel condemned by UN
Congratulations for penning the most ludicrous, revisionist, dishonest post I've seen in years, Keith. You must take us all for idiots. The facts of the refugee camp massacres are out there, have been for almost 30 years and have been acknowledged even by Israel. Jesus, man, you're even in danger of embarrassing Bibi here. As for Israel not targeting civilians, well that's bloody rich that is. Civilians have been by far the biggest casualties of every one of Israel's aggressions over the decades. They don't give a damn about civilians, that much is clear. They get round it every single time by claiming that civilians are deliberately put in harm's way. A routine, demonising claim in all wars by all western powers. Never with evidence in support, of course. You'll be telling me next that demolishing whole villages with helicopter gunships (once the bulldozers have started things off) is not targeting civilians. You'd be a bloody good laugh, Keith, if you weren't so tragic.