The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149360   Message #3476969
Posted By: Jim Carroll
08-Feb-13 - 03:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: Israel condemned by UN
Subject: RE: BS: Israel condemned by UN
I see Brucie is not going to respond to this atrocity and our other resident fanatic is going to continue lying about Israel's facilitating it and standing by while 3,000 civilians were slaughtered.
So here's the situation.
"It would bring a new holocaust for the 6 million Jews of Israel,"
The massacre is evidence, if evidence were needed, that it is the Israelis who would carry out the mass slaughter of civilians - they have already done so - that is why it is relevant to this discussion.
They have shown themselves well capable of the slaughter of thousands of unarmed men women and children.
Even as far back as the departure of the British, they were slaughtering unarmed villagers by hurling grenades into occupied houses.
They have deliberately targeted hospitals and schools, using the excuse that resistance fighters were sheltering there.
They have bombed occupied apartment blocks using the excuse that resistance fighters were living there.
They have used chemical weapons on civilians (RECENTLY ADDING SKUNK TO THEIR CHEMICAL ARMOURY).
They have destroyed whole streets of civilian homes, leaving streetfuls of families homeless.
They have attempted to starve and deprive an entire community into submission by banning or delaying essential goods, including medicines.
They have murdered unarmed aid workers who have attempted to break their blockade.
And the beat goes on, and on, and on......
In all of this, they have been protected by the US and her nodding-dog supporters with UN vetos that pale those of Russia and China in support of Syria, into insignificance.
Whatever we might think of Hezboallah, they would be totally insane to surrender to these monsters.
"You need light to identify enemy positions."
Ah - at last it's been said - unarmed refugees are to be considered "enemies" and worthy of slaughter - that's cleared that up.
This was not a fight - it was the cold-blooded massacre of unarmed men, women and children - no less.
At the very least, the Israelis supplied the transport for the actual killers, provided illumination for the killers to carry out the work, Gave them access to the camps and stood by and watched as the atrocities took place.
Destroyed the bulk of the evidence after the slaughter.
They later put themselves on trial and found themselves not guilty!
Jim Carroll