The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149360   Message #3477056
Posted By: Steve Shaw
08-Feb-13 - 07:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Israel condemned by UN
Subject: RE: BS: Israel condemned by UN
The United States, the Netherlands, Bahrain, Egypt, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada and Israel classify Hezbollah as a terrorist organization.

So let's have a look at this. Let's set aside the Israel/US axis for just a mo, as they are openly hostile to Hezbollah and are, er, a little biased, shall we say? Then there's Egypt. Well, a little google will tell you (hardly surprisingly) that relations 'twixt the Muslim Brotherhood and Hezbollah are rapidly warming, definitely a growing spirit of cooperation building there, so might as well cross Egypt off the list. Also, you didn't tell us that the UK's position is not clear-cut. Perhaps we've lifted the blinkers slightly and recognised the part Hezbollah play in Lebanon's democracy (and don't the US absolutely hate it when parties they oppose go all democratic on them...) and the effective way they run schools, hospitals, social services, and develop agriculture and the country's infrastructure. Inconvenient or what. Wouldn't life be so much simpler if Hezbollah were all bad...

Which leaves a rather tawdry little list of US camp-followers. So that's authoritative then. I wonder whether most Islamic/Arabic nations in the region would classify Israel as a terrorist organisation if they were asked the right question (which they won't be, of course). But I forgot. You can't be a terrorist if you're big, can you? In the words of the old adage, Keith, the terrorist is the one with the small bomb.