The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149360   Message #3477103
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
08-Feb-13 - 09:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Israel condemned by UN
Subject: RE: BS: Israel condemned by UN
""Has it ever occurred to you that you are miscontruing unrest over Israel's serial terrible behaviour as "anti-Israel bias"?""

Of course he hasn't Steve. He's part of the worldwide "Whitewash Israel" campaign.

You can have a go at North Korea, Burma, Zimbabwe, Darfur, Syria and any other bad lads among the nations,...not a PEEP, but just mention Israel and Keith pops out of the woodwork with his pants on fire and attacks you, you "anti semitic bastard".

He can't answer any question with honesty, and when you get an answer at all, it usually comes withe get out clause "It's not my opinion, it's the opinion of others who should know, and therefore I am broadcasting this non opinion to the whole western world, and if it proves to be absolute rubbish, it's their fault not mine".........At this point pausing for an enormous intake of breath.............and off he goes again. "The UN is biased,....Those hezbollah people are indiscriminately firing rockets into Israel, well we believe they bombed a bus,.....anyway they used to fire rockets years ago in an open conflict,.. oh, that's a war isn't it, no, we'll call it something else. Anyway, when they invaded Syrian airspace they were only defending themselves against hezbollah attacks,.....well I know hezbollah aren't doing anything but they might,....d'you think?"

Don T.