The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149393   Message #3477165
Posted By: SteveMansfield
08-Feb-13 - 11:10 AM
Thread Name: Molly Dancing
Subject: RE: Molly Dancing
GUEST_crazy little woman - just out of interest, and also assuming you're not just taking the piss - have you ever actually seen any Molly? Have you got the merest hint of a inkling of what we are talking about?

Presumably you'd also like to remove the sticks from Border in case someone gets their knuckles hit, and as for those dangerous hankies in Cotswold flicking around, they might have someone's eye out. As for the clogs in NW, they're a podiatrist's nightmare, and those dangerous bendy swords in rapper, Christ they're just an accident waiting to happen.

And the music's far too loud, maybe everyone ought to wear ear defenders as well.

Take small steps and avoid concrete - blimey what an exciting spectacle your dance display side will make, always assuming you can find a nice bit of carpet, or some rubber matting, to dance on ...