The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149354   Message #3477705
Posted By: LilyFestre
09-Feb-13 - 06:56 PM
Thread Name: Declutter & ~~Health~~ February 2013
Subject: RE: Declutter & ~~Health~~ February 2013
I was wide awake last night. I tried to sleep, laid in bed for an hour and decided that was enough. I got up and fussed online until 3am when my Mom IM'd me asking me what I was doing up. We typed back and forth for a bit and she said to just I did. We chatted for well over an hour. Needless to say that since I didn't go to bed until after 4am, I didn't get up until late. I've had a fairly relaxing day. Pete made a spectacular lunch and I finished a book. When we put the baby down for a nap, he turned the tv on and Hoarders was on. I watched for 10 minutes and my skin started to twitch. I cleaned the bathroom, dumped ALL of Jeremiah's toys in the middle of the living room floor and separated them out. I've got them organized so that he has about 25% of his toys out and available for play and the others are separated out in a large tote (in gallon or 2 gallon sized baggies) so I can easily switch out one bag of cars/Legos/Blocks/Stuffed animals for the ones that are out now. It just was too much and honestly I think it made it difficult for him to play. He had toys everywhere, couldn't find what he was after, etc.

Anyway, that took awhile but I'm so glad I did it. He's awake now and doesn't seem to really notice. Maybe that will change but we are going to try it for a few weeks. Toys that are not missed or requested are on their way to my yard sale storage area for the mega sale this summer. I still have 2 overflowing boxes of books in the living room that I have plans for. We have 2 very large book cases in the living room hallway. I am slowly clearing out a Jeremiah height shelf that should be more than adequate for all his books. He requests me to read stories to him several times a day so I like having them nearby vs. being up in his bedroom.

And I did some vacuuming. :) Sweeping the stairs and dusting are sure to follow before long.

Since lunch was soooo good (and kinda heavy...grilled chicken, buttercup squash and homemade mashed potatoes), dinner is going to be light Soup and maybe a quesadillas for my boys. Strawberries for dessert. :) YUM.
