The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149360   Message #3477767
Posted By: Jim Carroll
10-Feb-13 - 04:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Israel condemned by UN
Subject: RE: BS: Israel condemned by UN
"There are bound to be a few racists as in any country."
Moving the Bedouins adjacent to a toxic waste dump was the decision of the government - not "a few racists" You were fully aware of this yet you deliberately selected this racist act as an example of Israeli democracy - not a bad one as it happens, but not in the way you intended.
Arresting women for praying was the act of the Israeli police force, not of "a few racists".
As the article on the racism experienced by Jacob, the African, points out:
"The Israeli government can and should take measures to contain and discourage racist violence, says Jacob. Anything less amounts, in his words, to "really an underestimation of the dignity of the human being."
Racism and religious bigotry appears to be rife in Israel - not "a few" - this is by a people who were subjected by racism in the extreme - six million of them died at the hands of what - "a few racists"

"the enemies of any country"
I chose these examples mainly from Israeli papers or from recognised organisations like Amnesty so you could not make this charge, some of them you have used yourself to back up your own arguments, yet you still make it - are you really suggesting that all of these examples are "lies"?

"Why do you never criticise those neighbours for their much worse racism "
Because you have yet to show that their racism or bigotry is any worse than Israel's.
You have been squealing about "thread drift" throughout this discussion - the subject is Israel's behaviour, not Egypt.
You, not us, chose to tell us how democratic Israel was, selecting one of the worst examples of state persecution of an ethnic minority. - now choke on the result of it.

"Is it because they are Arabs"
Don't you dare accuse anybody here (other than yourself) of racist selection - not having devoted the time and effort you have in showing how culturally depraved, Pakistanis, Muslims, Asian - whatever. every time you post.

"I wish you two would just get married or something."
Nah Jeri - it would never work out - he likes to eat his egg from the blunt end, while I prefer the pointy end!
Jim Carroll