The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6050   Message #34790
Posted By: Helen, in Australia
13-Aug-98 - 07:14 PM
Thread Name: REQ: Any songs on GST(Goods & Services Tax)?
Subject: REQ: Any songs on GST(Goods & Services Tax)?
Hi all,

This week our beloved Prime Minister in Australia and fellow pollies are jamming down our collective throats their new proposal for a GST (Goods & Services Tax). I know that other countries have this system and I haven't heard a good word about it yet - (but I guess I am open to persuasion, but you'll have to give me some worthwhile facts to consider).

But, without starting a huge political and fiscal debate, what I was wondering was - has anyone written any pointed political songs about GST? Preferably something to relieve the stress of having to watch politicians in bluebird-of-happiness mode as they try to be *really* convincing, and they try to buy off each sector of the country's voters with sweetened pills of questionable composition.

Sorry, is my cynicism showing??
