The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44686   Message #347946
Posted By: DanMulligan
28-Nov-00 - 08:15 PM
Thread Name: Carrickfergus
Subject: Carrickfergus or Water Is Wide
Hi all,
I recently came across this song and was surprised that it hadn't come up in any of the discussions of "Water Is Wide"/ "O, Waly, Waly" over the past couple of years.
What is the history of this song? Which came first "Water is Wide" or "Carrickfergus?"

Here is an excerpt of the lyrics that I found in the DT:

I would swim over the deepest ocean,
Only for nights in Ballygrant,
But the sea is wide and I cannot cross over
And neither have I the wings to fly
I wish I could meet a handsome boatsman
To ferry me over, my love to find

Messages from multiple threads combined.
-Joe Offer-