The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149354   Message #3479981
Posted By: Bat Goddess
15-Feb-13 - 09:11 AM
Thread Name: Declutter & ~~Health~~ February 2013
Subject: RE: Declutter & ~~Health~~ February 2013
Since I'm planning a trip to Goodwill this afternoon on the way to The Press Room, I decided to investigate a few boxes in the guest room first thing this morning. And I hit pay dirt! Ephemera and memorabilia that had been sequestered in boxes, but hadn't gotten either sorted or put in the pre-binder stage.

Some of the stuff dates back to the '60s and the most recent is 2006. Some I remembered having and some is like Christmas. Some was even put in page protectors and can go right into the yearly binders.

The whole point of the project (or at least one of the main points) is so I can actually FIND what has been accumulated.

And part of the on-going project is a sudden urge to make a real difference in one room -- to reclaim the guest room so I can actually put up a guest in there again some time.

I'm juggling quite a bit right now and, alas, most of it doesn't show or make itself evident by looking around the house.

I HAVE to get more page protectors (and run a bunch of other errands) before going to the Press Room session later today. Got to check with Tom to make sure he can walk. (It was "fun" getting him into the car yesterday to go to the Walk-In at Lee Circle. The path from the bottom of the deck steps to the car is rough, uneven and very slippery ice. I covered it with cat litter, but it's still iffy because of the unevenness.)
