The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149360   Message #3480301
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
16-Feb-13 - 06:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Israel condemned by UN
Subject: RE: BS: Israel condemned by UN
""At least in Israel they have citizenship rights and the protection of the law.""

You really are not paying attention:-

""Unlike the Jahalin, Bedouin groups in the Negev have cultivated their land since the 16th century. They are also Israeli citizens, and yet 35 of their 46 villages are not recognised by the state. As a result, the 90,000 residents live without basic services such as water, electricity, healthcare, education or paved roads. And they are not allowed to build permanent structures.""

Citizenship rights to everything, except basic services such as water, electricity, healthcare, education or paved roads.

WOW! Aren't they lucky to be Israeli citizens. We know what rights they are excluded from, so what does that leave in the way of rights?

They have the right to be shifted out of their 600 year home and dumped alongside Jerusalem's steadily increasing rubbish heap. Not a problem says Keith.

They have the right to be dragged away from the area where they can support themselves by farming (which they have done for 600 years), and placed in townships which are among the poorest areas in Israel and have high crime levels, and which offer little if any hope of making a living as a farmer, which is the only trade they know.

All of this to supply brand new settlements where the REAL Israelis can take over the farming and make a good living at it.

You know, with equality like that, I'd hate to see what you, Keith, would describe as discrimination.

Don T.