The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28092   Message #348165
Posted By: Troll
29-Nov-00 - 08:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: So Who is Our New President?
Subject: RE: BS: So Who is Our New President?
Gore has not won on ANY recounts that I have heard about here in Florida. Every recount of the LEGAL, VALID, VOTES cast have put Bush ahead.
Votes where the chad is not completely removed or where NO CHOICE was made are not valid and no amount of spin is going to make them valid.
They started with hanging chads and when Gore couldn't win that way, they demanded another recount counting "dimpled" or "pregnant" chads as "intended" votes.
What next? Count Aunt Sally 'cause she would have voted for Gore if she hadn't died last week?
Yeah. I have strong opinions. A pox on both their houses.
