The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149599   Message #3481952
Posted By: Richard Bridge
21-Feb-13 - 07:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: A New Tory Iniquity
Subject: RE: BS: A New Tory Iniquity
I grew out of having tory views (which had been one-nation tory-left views) in the early 1970s. Fred Teeth was somewhat to the left of the current Labour party, and I was somewhat to the left of him. I have moved steadily left ever since, having seen what conservatism did to people. You see, Mither, I can still learn.

Don, let us know when you find your magic wand. It's usually better to start with the possible. Oh, and let us know when you realise that private landlords are not the answer to council estates. And that you were never a teacher.