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Thread #149360   Message #3482571
Posted By: Jim Carroll
22-Feb-13 - 03:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Israel condemned by UN
Subject: RE: BS: Israel condemned by UN
Would you describe that as "TOXIC" Jim?
Yes I most certainly would - what's your point.
Surely you're not still suggesting that the behaviour of a fundamentalist military government is an excuse for human rights abuses comparable to ethnic cleansing by the Israelis
Jim Carroll

Comparable examples - I don't think so.
From the Economist
THE Bedouin of Israel are not a happy lot. Once nomadic lords, Binyamin Netanyahu's government plans to pen tens of thousands of them into cities. This may be Israel's biggest removal of Arabs from the land since the 1948 war.
In the Israeli-occupied West Bank, soldiers knock down their shacks with abandon. Plans are afoot to transfer some 2,000 to the edge of a rubbish dump to make way for more Jewish settlers east of Jerusalem. To cap it all, religious Jews recently torched a mosque in Tuba, a Bedouin town in the north-east of Israel.
Traditionally split into often feuding clans, the nomads have been easy for Israel to divide, conquer, shift and, at least in the Israeli state's early days, expel. Whole tribes of Bedouin once roamed from Libya to Iraq. But concrete walls and a regime of permits have splintered them, reducing contact, commerce and marriage between Israel's 200,000 Bedouin, the West Bank's 40,000 and millions beyond, in Gaza, Jordan, Sinai and the Arabian peninsular.
Forced first into narrow enclaves and then into towns, they have generally downsized from camels to goats. Many have abandoned their herds entirely. The West Bank's last surviving herders are hemmed in by Israeli military bases, by-pass roads and Jewish settlements. Israeli soldiers confiscate flocks that stray. The settlers see them as trespassers and bar access to springs.
Life in Israel proper is little better. Nearly half the Negev's Bedouin live in villages often predating the state but officially unrecognised and so denied state support. There are no paved roads, public transport, electricity or water. ALONGSIDE WADI NAAM, A DUSTY BEDOUIN CAMP OF 4,000 PEOPLE, A TOXIC WASTE PLANT PUFFS AWAY.

And this
Israel's poisonous aerial spraying of Negev crops illegal, endangers health of Bedouin villagers

And this
From Jews for Justice
Jewish settlers spray toxic substance, kill herd of sheep
By Palestinian Information Center
August 13, 2012
AL-KHALIL– Jewish settlers sprayed toxic substance in Palestinian grazing fields near the town of Yatta, southern al-Khalil, causing the death of a herd of sheep.
The coordinator of the popular committees against the wall and settlement in Yatta, Ratib Al-Jabour, asserted that the herd of sheep, which belonged to Jihad Noajah, had died after grazing in wild herbs, which were sprayed with toxic substances by settlers from Susiya settlement to the southeast of Yatta.
Meanwhile, the head of Wadi al-Maleh village council, Aref Daraghmeh, stated that the Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) have ordered Palestinian Bedouins in Wadi al-Maleh in the Jordan Valley to pay excessive fines of up to 15 thousand shekels to retrieve their cattle confiscated a few days ago.
He added that the residents lost numbers of their cows which died during the confiscation raid while others were still held by the IOA even after paying the fines.

And this

The Negev comprises 60 percent of Israel's land, explained the University of Vermont graduate, but only 2.5 percent of it has been relegated to the Bedouins, who once grazed their animals throughout the Negev and Sinai Deserts, as well as Jordan. The Negev's estimated 190,000 Bedouins (27 percent of the region's population) are forced to live within a small area called the siyag ("fence"쳌)—a confined space which also contains Israel's infamous Dimona nuclear plant and reactors, 19 agro- and petrochemical factories, a toxic waste incinerator, an electric power plant, a prison, quarries, industrial and military zones and a military airport.

And remembering this is about the excellent treatment meted out to the Bedouins by Israel
Extreme Israeli violence in recognized Bedouin village of Bir Hadaj - Report from Negev Coexistence Forum
In the early morning hours of November 12, hundreds of Israeli police stormed the recognized Bedouin village of Bir Hadaj. The police officers were accompanied by representatives of the Israeli Ministry of Interior, who attempted to distribute home demolition orders to village residents.