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Thread #149360   Message #3482960
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
23-Feb-13 - 02:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Israel condemned by UN
Subject: RE: BS: Israel condemned by UN
""Only extreme prejudice could lead anyone to blame Israel for the incursion.
Israel was the intended target and its only role was to kill them all when the suicide attack was launched through its border.

Israel was the intended target?

I take it that the blockade has meant that there are no compasses in Gaza? they kind of lost their sense of direction if they attacked Egypt instead of Israel.

""That Egyptian publication you linked to suggested that Egypt closed the tunnels to screw the poor persecuted Sinai Bedouins even harder.
They make money from the tunnels.
The Bedouin hate Egypt for its treatment of them and were probably involved in the killings.

Or maybe the Bedouins were entirely responsible. That's the whole point Keith. There are several possibilities, and I don't pretend to know who actually did the deed and you certainly cannot claim to know either.

You, however, not knowing are bound and determined to exclude Israel alone from any involvement.

You have ignored my entirely credible analysis of the situation with respect to WHO has most to gain, because responding would mean that you would have to refute it logically, which you cannot do.

If all other suspects were eliminated and Israelis were caught red handed, you would blame pixies rather than admit it.

The most intransigent bigot here remains your good self.

Don T.