The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149360   Message #3482968
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
23-Feb-13 - 03:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Israel condemned by UN
Subject: RE: BS: Israel condemned by UN
""The weapons were destined for Hezbollah who are now murdering Syrian people for Assad.""

A claim for which we have no other evidence than the word of the government which ordered the incursion.

Really handy being your own judge and jury. Nobody can ever find you guilty.

A pity that so much of what they say is proven lies by their own citizens and soldiers.

""To demonize Israel you have to rake up an event from over thirty years ago that was committed against Arabs by Arabs, and falsely claim the Bedouin in Israel are persecuted.""

1.) A grossly over simplified statement which attempts to cover up the FACT that the Israelis brought those Arabs in and watched them slaughter unarmed civilians including children, aand to cover up the fact that those particular Arabs were deadly enemies of the Muslims, a fact which was well known to Israel, and which destroys your Arabs killing Arabs justification.

2.) We have produced massive amounts of documentary evidence of what is being done to the Israeli Bedouin, which you have ignored, responding only with "I don't believe it", which absolutely fails to qualify as either evidence or argument.

Don T.