The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149633   Message #3483636
Posted By: Bobert
25-Feb-13 - 04:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Will Obama approve the XL pipeline?
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama approve the XL pipeline?
That's my concern, Don...

With the current push to shut down as much of the federal government as possible the folks who would normally be reviewing plans, monitoring inspecting infrastructure just ain't gonna to be there...

"Trust us" is what we always hear at the beginning and then we have the BP oil spill where we did just that... Coal mines, the same... Bridges, the same... So far what has been built of the KS pipeline, the same... Corner cutting... Whistle blowers being intimidated, and/or fired...

The fact that the major pipeline barely enters the area over the Ogalalla Aquifer doesn't make me feel any more comfortable... The fact we have other crumbling infrastructure isn't a good argument for building this pipeline...

What I feel is happening is that the sane people are being bullied to allow for the insane to have their way with our nation without having to answer the tough questions... I've posed at least a dozen here and not really gotten back any answers that are credible enough to pull the string on this project...

I think we need a year cooling off period during which time the drill-baby-drill-pipeliners can try to make a better case... Right now, other than calling folks who oppose it elitists and socialists, Keystone has NOT made that case...

"Stupid is as stupid does"...
