The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149354   Message #3483923
Posted By: LilyFestre
26-Feb-13 - 11:54 AM
Thread Name: Declutter & ~~Health~~ February 2013
Subject: RE: Declutter & ~~Health~~ February 2013
My check up went well...a little more pain than usual but it was not intentional and my oncologist kept apologizing. It's not that I liked that he was apologizing but rather that he was aware that I was in pain and that he was not doing it on purpose. :)

I pretty much just collapsed in my chair when I got home. I would have gone right to bed but Jeremiah was wide awake. He played happily right at the foot of my chair while I relaxed. I did manage to make a nice dinner: Salmon, steamed broccoli and a baked potato. Simple. Yummy. Healthy. :)

Today I did the mountain of dishes in the sink and on the stove and am about to conquer the floors. Later I have yoga (very active yoga) with a friend that hasn't been able to go for some time is going with me. It's always more fun to have a friend along! YAY!

We are supposed to get some stormy weather here later today involving ice. If that begins, I will be staying home and doing a DVD. :) Next time I am in town, I am getting myself a yoga mat for at home. I tried to do some yoga the other evening and found myself slipping all over the place in downward facing dog because I didn't have a mat. My good mat lives at the studio. :)

My oncologist is pleased with my increased energy levels (FINALLY) and very slow weight loss. That was encouraging to hear. :) All 3 of my oncologists are pleased with my check up at every level! HOORAY!!!

Also...Jeremiah met my GYN/ONC yesterday. The doctor was polite but clearly not a kid kind of guy. We said goodbye (I stopped by his office where he does his computer work on the way out of the building) and Jeremiah, totally unprompted, said, "Nice to meet you." That was a very proud Mommy moment. The look on my oncologist's face changed substantially and he smiled at me....he was most was I!!! Way to go Jeremiah!!!

Have a great day everybody!
