The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149706   Message #3484992
Posted By: MGM·Lion
01-Mar-13 - 05:07 AM
Thread Name: Nailing your colours to the mast...
Subject: RE: Nailing your colours to the mast...
I am actually a convinced atheist who has been baptised and confirmed in the Church of England although Jewish by origin and family. This does not impact in any way on my musical tastes or performances. The fact that Mr Frank has had great misfortunes does not invalidate the fact that the remark of his quoted above was, to my mind, a very foolish one. There is all the difference in the world between standing out insofar as possible against abuses being committed in one's own country and community, and becoming one of those professional denouncers of abuses anywhere in the world. I repeat, it was not the trade of people living in Europe to be compelled to do anything specific to stop the war in Biafra, and it was a gross impertinence of this Franks fellow to try to make them feel guilty for not having done so; particularly, as Will so cogently observes, when his trade at that moment was to provide them with a musical experience for which they had paid, and for which he was being paid in his turn. In doing so, he grossly and irresponsibly abused his position of having the attention of an audience who were there for quite another purpose.
