The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149706   Message #3485007
Posted By: Jim Carroll
01-Mar-13 - 05:48 AM
Thread Name: Nailing your colours to the mast...
Subject: RE: Nailing your colours to the mast...
It's the easiest thing in the world to pick out a bad example to generalise - it really does work both ways.
MacColl, Seeger and Critics Group members were forever being asked by clubs that booked them not to sing political songs because "we don't like that sort of stuff here" or "please don't bring instruments or sing contemporary songs because we're a traditional club".
Singing songs of any type is simply passing on personal emotions, or expressing opinions or experiences - more or less what the tradition was all about.
Expressing opinions in song is not in any way forcing them down the throat of an audience any more than declaring your enjoyment (or remembrance) of sex via a song is, though both might give offence in certain circumstances.
God knows, the revival has become anodyne enough through singers being made feel uncomfortable by singing certain types of song, without erecting yet another hurdle.
We lost some of our finest songs because of this sort of censorship.      
Enuff's enuff.
I've said it before, political songs are among the oldest we have; see Thomas Wright's 'Political Songs of England From the reign of John to Edward II' - they've been around a little too long to start complaining now - or maybe is not so much their political nature but rather, the politics they are expressing that's the problem!
Jim Carroll