The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149731   Message #3486234
Posted By: LilyFestre
04-Mar-13 - 11:32 AM
Thread Name: Waltz into Spring: Declutter - March 2013
Subject: RE: Waltz into Spring: Declutter - March 2013
We got our new washing machine late yesterday afternoon. Pete had it home and hooked up after dinner (say 7sih) so I did a few loads of laundry then and it has been going nonstop since I got up this morning. Potty training has also commenced. I wanted to start earlier but without a washing machine, it just wasn't going to work for me. So this morning I was lifting Jeremiah from the changing table to the potty, got him settled and went to lay a towel over the side of the tub so it wasn't such a cold place for me to sit while he tried out the potty and my back locked up in pain. Lower back, both sides. I couldn't stand up. I waited all bent over while I took a few slow deep breaths and eventually stood up and went to get the phone. Something clearly is wrong and I wanted to be able to call for help if necessary. It's now a few hours later and my back still hurts even if I'm just sitting. I've stretched, taken Advil and have a HOT corn bag between the chair and my back. I had high hopes of getting the dishes done, doing some cooking and baking and of course, getting caught up with the laundry. We shall see. Right now I'm thinking lifting of any kind is a bad idea. I will continue to life Jeremiah to change his pants if needed, of course....but holy YOUCH. I have no idea what I did but I hope to never do it again...I'm hurting.
