The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149613   Message #3486565
Posted By: Bat Goddess
05-Mar-13 - 08:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: Curmudgeon in hospital again - HOME AGAIN!
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon in hospital again - HOME AGAIN!
An uneventful night and we both got a good night's sleep.

More running around today, then phone calls. It would be nice if Tom's PCP would call back with an appointment, so I can plan our lives a bit better. Got an appointment right away for his cardiologist.

BTW, when the hospitalist gave Tom a Rx for Lisinopril, we questioned it -- his cardiologist had taken him OFF it two years ago. The hospitalist insisted. When I filled the Rx yesterday morning, the PHARMACIST questioned it. I told him the story and assured him Tom would be seeing both his cardiologist and his PCP within the next few days. Then the visiting nurse questioned it when she got here yesterday afternoon and ran down his list of meds. She called his cardiologist and verified -- NO Lisinopril no matter what the hospitalist says.

Gotta be on top of EVERYTHING. And hospitals are dangerous places and not really good for people except in extreme circumstances. I am REALLY pleased that we got Tom home so he can improve rapidly instead of developing more problems. All of the things I had been concerned about -- confusion, time confusion, lack of mental stimulation, constantly changing people around him complicated by the fact he's BLIND, swollen feet, getting proper nutrition -- ALL of it has improved or the problem has gone away completely just in the short time he's been home.

Whoever changed the thread title with the addition "Home Again!" -- THANK YOU!
