The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146905   Message #3487269
Posted By: Don Firth
06-Mar-13 - 06:31 PM
Thread Name: Opera
Subject: RE: Opera
Lord, my EARS!!

If that's "opera," then I'm the Maharajah of Screamandrunabad!

The nearest thing I've heard to that is from a bunch of horny alleycats sitting on a back fence and announcing their distress to the world at large!



But Florence Foster Jenkins.

Gotta give her full marks for trying, poor lady. She did manage to fill concert halls because her performances were even funnier that those of Anna Russell. The big difference of course is that Anna Russell intended to be funny. Mrs. Jenkins was dead serious, and seemed to be totally unaware of her—um—how can I put this delicately?—vocal shortcomings.

One didn't know whether to feel deeply sorry for her or run screaming with your hands over your ears! Little of both, I guess.

For those who are thick enough to think this is opera, be it noted that she never sang in an actual opera (nor ever would) and when she gave a recital, she hired the hall on her own dime.

Now, as to Anna Russell, here's the real scoop.

Don Firth