The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49444   Message #3487291
Posted By: Gibb Sahib
06-Mar-13 - 07:18 PM
Thread Name: Hugill/Dana's missing shanties
Subject: RE: Hugill/Dana's missing shanties
Re: Editions of Dana

I remember there was a discussion of this somewhere, but it is hard to find (lots of talk of Dana in the various chanty-related threads). I remember some discussion of the different versions of Dana. Actually I think It was because we were talking about "Grog Time of Day" being there in one edition but not in another.

What I really don't remember is whether we/anyone had discussed "Tally high ho! you know" -- and the fact that it is given as a title in Dana's 1869 edition, but it did not appear in 1840s editions. (*Actually, I don't have the original 1840 at hand, but I see it is not there in 1842 and 1846 editions).

The 1869 is the "New Edition", "With subsequent matter by the author."

Would anyone care to offer a theory as to why "Tally" was added in the New Edition? I suppose the easiest explanation is that Dana later remembered this song having been sung.