The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149687   Message #3488404
Posted By: katlaughing
09-Mar-13 - 11:25 AM
Thread Name: kat needs a little mojo, please /update-mixed-news
Subject: RE: BS: kat needs a little mojo, please
week one at home almost done, major accomplishments:

paid bills which had piled up and i did NOT want look at them...rog helped A LOT

got home health nurse, OT and PT lined up. the OT is a great older gal who showed us a toilet scrubber type wand with which to reach around with left hand for "cleansing!"

have also been though my rog opening ans stuffing the open wounds twice. he did just hurts like hell.

about to go take my first shower and shampoo.

thanks for the cards, etc. that's it for today. feeling much better.