The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149613   Message #3488471
Posted By: Bat Goddess
09-Mar-13 - 01:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Curmudgeon in hospital again - HOME AGAIN!
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon in hospital again - HOME AGAIN!
Tom says he feels better today than he has since came home from the hospital last Sunday or even since he landed there in the first place on February 18th.

Some of it may have to do with the sun being out. I think it's the first sunny day with a clear blue sky all week. And it's not snowing!

I noted several signs of Spring today -- sap buckets on maple trees, a customer at Radio Shack wearing short plaid pants and a short-sleeved lightweight t-shirt, and, coming the opposite direction on Rte. 152, a dog with his head hanging out the passenger side car window.

Now if all the snow will go away and the driveway mud dry up...

I'm glad Tom doesn't have to go anyplace for awhile.
