The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149276   Message #3488662
Posted By: MGM·Lion
10-Mar-13 - 08:24 AM
Thread Name: Howard Goodall's Story of Music
Subject: RE: Howard Goodall's Story of Music
Yes, I did use the word 'pseudery' didn't I? But have since admitted, to Gloria, having been probably 'over-dismissive'. Must nevertheless add I am still at a loss, despite Blandiver's pertinent rejoinder above, to work out what purpose, artistic, æsthetic, whevs, abstraction & atonality and such serve precisely; and, perhaps unworthily, I caqn never avoid suspecting a whiff or redolence of must·be·in·the·swing pseudery to hang around such manifestations, or rather the resolute taking of them more seriously than they perceptibly warrant, somewhere!

Just me, I suppose. A Boring·Old·Fart as my Credo admits. But there I stand; I can do no other, as whoever it was said. Luther? Or some such?* No matter...


*Yes; I googled; it was Luther, at least attributively.