The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6050   Message #34888
Posted By:
14-Aug-98 - 09:41 PM
Thread Name: REQ: Any songs on GST(Goods & Services Tax)?
Subject: RE: REQ: Any songs on GST(Goods & Services Tax)?
Well, I made a start at a song. Perhaps others can expand on it.

Along Came the GST

To the tune of the Carter Family's "Engine 143"

(Chords are in square brackets right before the phrase to which they apply)

A[C]long came the GST, a commin' [F]along the line
[C]Coming out from Canberra about {G7]three centuries behind its time
[C]Spreading joy and lagesse [F]to the rich and rich alike
[C]Taking from the elderly, the studens and the sick

Howard came to Costello with a bucket under his arm
Said, "Here's a few more sweeteners, I'm sure they'le do no harm"
They come from this year's surplus, from the cuts in aged care
We'll make it up to them someday, when The Economy is in repair

Well, that's as far as I got.

Original words and tune can be found here
