The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149753   Message #3489150
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
11-Mar-13 - 11:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Counselors on same sex marriage
Subject: RE: BS: Counselors on same sex marriage
Donald T Duck: "God! That's steep for a rent boy."

Actually, I was pretty well accomplished....just look how I flushed out the deception here!!! But that's what we do...find the root of the problem, by letting people expose their hidden agendas..and when they don't match reality, well, most often a well placed question can change a LOT of things, straighten things out...and actually make the 'differences' a lot of great in families, marriages and relationships....maybe even politics, if the bullshitting manipulators, ever come out of their erroneous delusions! How 'bout you?

Frotho the Foamer: "And I apologise to others if I am in any way responsible for keeping this twit going..."

Hide the mirrors.

Your silly rant only should expose yourself to even the most casual reader, that you really DON'T want me to post your earlier posts, that show that YOU have instigated most all the hate and discontent, intentionally ...but you like it that way....makes you feel 'important' instead of 'impotent'....and hiding behind your blathering rhetoric, which, as witnessed here, you purposely try to confuse, and create biases in the confusion..... of which several decent posters have fallen prey to.....ever thought about being 'you', instead of a 'thing', like a person hiding behind an illusion of pretending to be a 'political activist'????