For the record I do not call for priests to be laicized and especially not excommunicated. I don't think excommunication is valid in the first place, or what is baptims. Also, it is used as a threat over peoples' heads. So if they are Catholic that is what they/we are and we will have to adjust. I think laicized is the same thing. Also, for those who might be reasonably safe if they were in chains and locked to a pillar perhaps, we are going to need all hands on deck in case of natural disaster, or more likely, war. Some will have to be taken out of mothballs. There will be mass casualties.
What I call for is for children and vulnerable adults to be absolutely safe from them, whether that means jail, electronic devices , essentially imprisonment in isolated monastaries etc. Also I am for brain operatios in the violent cases...voluntary taking chemicals to reduce urges are too fallible.
I am sympathatic to the people who are the abusers. What a wretched life they must live to not be able to control one would wish it on them. But they have to be stopped either medically or electronically or by banishment. After that, I do not care if they are excommunicated or laicized. I think they should not be.