The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149731   Message #3489939
Posted By: wysiwyg
13-Mar-13 - 10:20 AM
Thread Name: Waltz into Spring: Declutter - March 2013
Subject: RE: Waltz into Spring: Declutter - March 2013
Among the 3 bags of alterations I got back Monday, there was a repaired purse. I had been concerned that perhaps during my illness and recovery, with a bigger purse always with me, that I had gone to too much "pursage" to fit into that old favorite, but I just repacked it for the trip and it all FIT!!!

So the old bigger-than-a-seaman's-duffel that held 12 full size pillows and a change of clothes , plus my purse, went-- eventually-- to a pull-along suitcase with 8 mini-pillows and a change of clothes, plus my purse. And now THAT has gone to the matching piece of zippered luggage (a shoulder bag like a camera bag), no larger than a large purse, plus my purse. The bag and purse, last month, became the only extra "pillows" I needed in addition to whatever pillows the host has lying around in their LR.

TBTG! I do not recall being this portable since my 20's. It is one of the best "take-aways" from the months on my back in the nursing home-- because now I can sleep WELL, that way, for a night or two, on a narrow couch.
